Michael Schaarschmidt

I am currently a Principal Research Scientist at Isomorphic Labs, a new Alphabet company spun out of DeepMind focused on applying machine learning to drug design. My research interests are on the intersection of machine learning and distributed systems, in particular how new distributed systems, runtimes, and compilers enable modeling progress.

Prior to Isomorphic Labs, I worked as a Senior Research Scientist in DeepMind's Technical Infrastructure Research team, working on optimizations for large model compilers (PartIR, an MLIR dialect), as well on as applications of these compilers to molecular modelling.

Before DeepMind, I completed an MPhil as well as a PhD in the systems research group at the University of Cambridge, where I also was a Google PhD fellow in systems.

My recent work can most easily be found on Google Scholar.


Feel free to get in touch at: contact[at]michaelschaarschmidt.com

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